Stuart Henry

Stuart can thank his lovely wife Sian (his right hand woman) his ace mechanic and support. Always kept a helpful eye on by Father in law Peter.

Rally cars, Grass track as long as it’s got wheels Stuart is hooked. In 2002 he came 6th in Rally Cross


Stuart Henry began his 210 racing career as a Novice in 2004 and dipped his toe into Long Circuit racing in 2011.

During the last 18 years his job hasn’t always allowed him to complete a full season.

When interviewed his main aim was to get further up the finishing order. So far this year he’s achieved a well-deserved 2nd at Rissington.

Today Stuart between Kart race meetings still enjoys his Mountain Biking. Although we do hope the hobby he had of breaking arms, legs and collar bone has subsided through age and experience!!!!


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